Surveys Tab
The Surveys Tab is the tab where all of the agency surveys can be listed, managed, viewed and edited. At the top of the page are select boxes for setting query parameters for the records that are viewed in the list table below. The text box to the right of the select boxes tells you how many records are currently selected using the current query parameters. No records are selected until you set a query parameter.
Once records are selected in the list then the functionality is activated to the right side of each record. Each record has View, Edit, Submitted and Approved options. These options are available based on record context.
The View icon for a record is only active if the record has a survey for the year. If you would like to view the survey and the icon is blue then click the icon to view the survey. The survey record will be presented to you as an HTML web page that can be printed, printed as a PDF document or saved in what ever other document format your Browser is capable of saving.
The Edit icon for a record is only active for the survey year that is currently set as the “Current Survey Year” in the Settings Tab and the Agency is set to Active. Please see the help for the Settings Tab to see how to set the “Current Survey Year”. If you see a green Edit icon then you can click it to open the survey in Edit mode. Surveys in Edit mode are identical to what the survey taker sees when they open the survey. Please see the help for Taking a Survey for instructions on how to edit a survey.
The Submitted checkbox is checked when the survey taker finishes a survey and submits it from the final tab of the survey (see the Taking a Survey help document). A survey can also be submitted by checking this check box in the list. Once this box is checked then a survey taker can no longer open the survey for edit from their link, as administrator you are still able to open the survey for edit. As administrator you can also un-submit the survey by unchecking the box, this will also un-approve the survey. The survey taker can now access the survey once again through their link to make additional edits.
The Approved checkbox allows you as the administrator to make final approval of the survey. As surveys get submitted and approved, the numbers and graph on the Status Tab will be updated.