The Comments Tab is where you can keep internal comments about Agencies and Surveys. Above the table are some select boxes for finding and listing comments. In order to get a list of comments you must select an Agency from the Select Agency select box. Once you have selected comments for an Agency you can filter the comments by either Year or Topic. Selected comments will be listed in the table, sorted by when they were last edited in descending order. The Selected Comments text box will also tell you how many comments are in the list. To edit or just view the full comment information, click the edit icon at the end of each comment record.
To add a new comment, click the New button at the bottom of the Comment Edit Form, the form will clear so you can enter information for a new comment. Please note that an Agency must be selected in the top Select an Agency select box in order to create or edit a comment. You must also select a Year and Topic to apply to the comment. Enter the comment text into the Comment Text text area and then click the Save button when you are finished. The application will inform you once the comment has been saved and the comment list will be updated with the new comment.
To edit an existing comment, click the edit icon at the end of each comment in the comment list, this will populate the form with the comment information. You can edit the information in the form and then press the Save button to save the edits to the database. The comment list will update with new information about the comment.
The Topic tags were added as they relate generally to topics that are found in the surveys. If additional or different topics are required than those can be added to the program.