Sponsors/Programs Tab
The Sponsors/Programs Tab is used to manage the Sponsors and Programs relationship. This tab allows users to manage the data in it’s nested form. Users will search for a Sponsor and then expand the record to reveal the nested Programs related to the Sponsor. Using this interface the user can add and edit Sponsors and Programs. In the database, Programs are related to Contributions which are then related to Projects, this relationship is managed in the Contributions tab.
Sponsor Filter/Search
Using one or a combination of the three filter methods search for Sponsors in the database. Search by Sponsor name by typing characters into Sponsor Name text box. Records will appear in the lower table as they are found. You must type a minimum of three characters. You can use the ‘%’ wild card in the search.
Example: ‘mont%fish’
This will find all Sponsor Names with the characters ‘mont’ and then ‘fish’ in their name.
Sponsors can also be filtered by Sponsor type by selecting a type from the selection list.
Another method for filtering Sponsors is by selecting a Program using the Program Name search box. Type a Program key word into the text box and a list of options will appear. You can also use the ‘%’ wild card to further filter the list of options. Select an option from the list to filter the Sponsor table.
Example: ‘sales%tax’
This will find all Program names with ‘sales’ and then ‘tax’ in their name.
Add a new Sponsor
To add a new Sponsor to the database, first ensure that the Sponsor is not already in the database by using the Sponsor name search. If the Sponsor is not found then add a new Sponsor by clicking the Add button. Fill in the form and then Click Add at the bottom of the form. You may need to modify the Sponsor filter to find the new Sponsor.
Edit an existing Sponsor
Use the filter tools to find the Sponsor to edit. To edit the Sponsor click the blue Edit icon on the right side of the Sponsor. The Sponsor Edit form will open. Edit any information in the form and Click Update. To delete a Sponsor you will first have to delete all the data related to the Sponsor including any nested Programs.
Add a new Program
Programs are nested within Sponsors so to add a Program you will first have to create or find an existing Sponsor. Once you have the Sponsor, expand the nested Programs by clicking the orange carot. Next click the orange plus icon to add a new Program. Fill in the form and press Add. The new Program should appear in the list of nested Programs.
Edit an existing Program
To edit an existing Program, find the Program and then click the orange Edit button. The edit form should appear. Click Update to modify the Program or Delete to delete the program. You will not be allowed to delete a Program that is still linked to Contributions, you must either delink the Contributions from the Program to delete it.
Add a new Funding Mechanism
Funding Mechanisms are nested within Programs so to add a Funding Mechanism you will first have to create or find an existing Program. Once you have the Program, expand the nested Funding Mechanisms by clicking the green carot. Next click the green plus icon to add a new Funding Mechanism. Fill in the form and press Add. The new Funding Mechanism should appear in the list of nested Funding Mechanisms.
Edit an existing Funding Mechanism
To edit an existing Funding Mechanisms, find the Funding Mechanisms and then click the green Edit button. The edit form should appear. Click Update to modify the Funding Mechanisms or Delete to delete the Funding Mechanisms.
Replace a Program
Contributions can be mapped from one Program to another using this tool. You must be very careful with use of this tool as it will do bulk modifications to the database. Be sure you know what you are doing!
To use this tool you will need to know the Program Id that you want to replace with another Program Id. Click the Replace button to open the Program Replace button. Enter the Old Program Id which is the one you want to change from and the New Program Id which is the one to want to change to. When you click Replace, every Contribution that has the Old Program Id will be replaced with the New Program Id.