Contributions Tab
The Contributions tab is used for managing Contributions related to Project records. The interface is a mashup of the Sponsor/Programs and Projects interfaces with different functionality. Using the interface user can filter Projects, view their related Contributions and add, edit and delete contributions. The Sponsor/Program side lets the user find and select the Program used for the contribution.
Find Contributions
To find Project Contributions use the Project Filter to filter for the Projects. This Project filter works in an identical manner to the Project filter on the Projects tab. Expand the Contribution to see the individual Contribution records by clicking the green carot.
In the upper left corner of the tab interface is the Project record filter tool. This tool allows the user to narrow down the collection of Project records using as many filter criteria and desired. Start by adding a filter to the Filter Terms box, click the Add button. A dialog form will display on the page. Select a filter field to use for narrowing down the project records. Different filter fields have different types of values and require different input.
- For fields that require an ID or Year you have to enter a valid number.
- For fields that require a Key Work enter a text string. The ‘%’ wild card can be included.
- Fields that the are a Name will open a search box to find the name.
- Fields that require a State or Type will open a select box with options.
Set a value and then click the Add button. You will now see the filter in the Project Filter Terms box. To view the results of the filter click the Run button. Notice the there should be status messages in the upper right box. Some filter take considerably longer than others, especially Sponsor and Program filters as these need to do relationship queries to find the matching records.
Filters can be removed individually from the Project Filter Terms by clicking the ‘X’. They can also be completely cleared by clicking the Clear button.
Find Programs
To edit a Contribution it necessary to know the Program ID to apply to the Contribution. The right side of the interface provides functionality for finding and selecting a Program. The selected program can be applied to a Contribution. The method for filtering Sponsors and Programs is identical to the interface for doing the same thing on the Sponsor/Program tab.
Using one or a combination of the three filter methods search for Sponsors in the database. Search by Sponsor name by typing characters into Sponsor Name text box. Records will appear in the lower table as they are found. You must type a minimum of three characters. You can use the ‘%’ wild card in the search.
Example: ‘mont%fish’
This will find all Sponsor Names with the characters ‘mont’ and then ‘fish’ in their name.
Sponsors can also be filtered by Sponsor type by selecting a type from the selection list.
Another method for filtering Sponsors is by selecting a Program using the Program Name search box. Type a Program key word into the text box and a list of options will appear. You can also use the ‘%’ wild card to further filter the list of options. Select an option from the list to filter the Sponsor table.
Example: ‘sales%tax’
This will find all Program names with ‘sales’ and then ‘tax’ in their name.
Adding a new Contribution
To add a new Contribution to a Project first expand the Contributions by clicking the green carot. To add a Contribution click the ‘+’ icon for the Project. The Contribution Edit dialog form should open. Enter the Contribution amount into the correct box. If you have a Program check on the right side of the interface then you can click to Sel button to populate the Program ID in that text box. You can also type or copy/paste a Program ID. Click the Add button to add the Contribution. You should see the Contribution updated in the Project Contribution list.
Edit an existing Contribution
To edit an existing Contribution, click the green edit icon to the right side of a Contribution. The Contribution Edit dialog should open. Edit the Contribution amount or Program ID and the save the form. The Contributions should update in the Project Contribution list.
Delete an existing Contribution
To delete an existing Contribution, click the green edit icon to the right side of a Contribution. The Contribution Edit dialog should open. Click the Delete button on the form. The Contributions should update in the Project Contribution list.